

The horrific picture of a 14 year old boy attacked by racists in Greece on Easter Monday (May 6, 2013)

The 14 year old boy from Afghanistan, who had come with his mother to Greece and where to leave for Switzerland to live with his brother was attacked and received thirty stitches to his face.

(www.left.gr) have reported

”Thirty stitches to the child’s face, resulting in blind racist violence. A fourteen-year child who did nothing, who just existed, received wild Nazi punishment . He had come to Greece with his mother living as a refugee in Athens. The young Afghan preparing to go with his mother to Switzerland, where his brother lives.

On Monday at 5.30, he went down to Station Square Attica. Eventually he realized that some people followed him and suddenly felt a tap on the shoulder. He turned and saw three young men dressed in black. ”The sweatshirts have a signal with two laurel trees down that unites instruments have another shape” described the boy.

They asked him if he was Greek? and asked him for his cards and he just said Afghanistan, they then kicked him and he fell down. They smashed a beer bottle in his face and blooded him , he fainted and a passer by took him to hospital. There the stitched him and have a prescription for medication and let him go.

The hospital itself, that is, and doctors who took care of him did not bother to concern where it goes a little child with 30 stitches in the face, beaten and terrorized. Perhaps the workload, perhaps tired, perhaps even indifference to blame for the fact that the child was left to chance. The “Annunciation”, the “Sismanoglio” and “Aglaia Kyriakou” however Duty that day and time. The kid with what money he had bought the drugs from a pharmacy, but did not know how to use them and not got them immediately. Fortunately he had heard from a compatriot for Doctors of the World and indeed knew and Clinic in the center of Athens and went two days later.

The child is now under the protection of the Prosecutor and Médecins du Monde (MDM) and maybe his smile betrays the new hope to live a little better. Even says he is optimistic that will soon go to Mom and brother.

We now look to the next child or woman or man and they will find themselves in the way of anonymous assassins dressed in black, while the government-and not only be concerned about the provisions of the anti-racism law and whether to finally implement the agreements signed. Until then hopefully MDM will continue their heroic care for vulnerable citizens amid threats even in their own physical integrity”

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